Weather Analysis
Our weather analytics are also known as “customized business forecasting”. These services are for companies who are looking for a breakdown of their business’ current standing and the long-term potential of local, regional, and national weather’s effect on their operation. With weather data analytics, you can move forward being as fully prepared as you can be.
Weather impacts different types of businesses for various reasons. In addition to common challenges related to weather, like shipping and logistics interruptions, other impacts may be less obvious. In fact, there are many reasons for consulting with a weather expert. Fair Skies Consulting works with businesses of all kinds and sizes to provide weather analysis and guidance. From customized research projects featuring climatological data and analysis to personalized forecasting services, we enjoy tackling our clients’ most challenging concerns.

Knowing how to best approach the expansion
and continuation of your business comes down
to understanding how weather affects your success.
From international manufacturing firms to regional businesses like events management and landscaping services, our analytics services can help business owners better understand how they can maximize the value of current resources and generate new sources of revenue in weather-dependent markets. Working with our corporate partners, advanced knowledge of weather has generated multiple benefits:
- Increased return on investment for marketing and advertising spends
- Improving customer targeting
- Advanced information for earlier sales and customer support outreach campaigns
- Advanced information and support for distribution
- Improved communication with all departments operating with the same information
Without an expert weather analysis by a Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) like Mark McGinnis, you may not be aware of how your spending can change to boost the growth of your company.
We’ll say it as many times as we need to: weather analysis is the key to better spending, taking advantage of the local climate, and to improving the way your business functions. At the end of the day, it isn’t Fair Skies Consulting who is going to help your company expand – it’s going to be you. You stand to benefit greatly from expert counsel from a Certified Consulting Meteorologist.
Mark McGinnis is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist who has years of experience in weather data analysis. He knows how to read weather data and how to break it down into a helpful analysis for business owners who want to improve the way their company operates. Once you have this information, it will be up to you to implement change into your company for success. Whether you simply want to look to the future or you’re interested in expanding your company, Fair Skies Consulting has the weather data analysis services you need to move on with your best foot forward.